It’s a long-awaited return! Whilst much of the world still has an anchor on its feet the UK seems to have a “spring” in its step.

Whilst much of the world still has an anchor on its feet the UK seems to have a “spring” in its step. Every video call in the UK is set against the backdrop of brilliant sunshine, 

tweeting birds and the positivity that good weather tends to spark. Adding to this it seems the past months of lockdown is easing, some children are going back to school, some people are going back to work and a clearer picture is painted of what the future might look like. There is no doubt that people are bursting with enthusiasm, desperate to get some normality. But what is the new normal, that is the hot topic heavily debated in the chat rooms, on the friendly zoom calls and amongst our politicians. There is no doubt that COVID-19 has grabbed the world by the scruff of the neck and very quickly shown us how fast our freedom and physical and financial health can be threatened. It has made us think about our lives with more depth, to value what we once had, jolted us to the stark realisation of how good things were before and perhaps made us consider how our future might change. 

One of those topics is the future of work. Not only does work pay the bills, but workers fuel companies and without them, companies will falter. The ramifications of workforces shifting gear, indeed going to reverse, have many more effects some of them we might even describe as stealth. Humans are generally sociable creatures, we like to natter amongst each other, sharing thoughts, gossip, dreams, plans, of course, we take this for granted until its restricted. The solitude and lack of freedom can have detrimental effects on the psyche and there has been much written about the effects of lockdown with spikes in domestic problems and mental health concerns. So the question is, with no antidote in sight and a great need to respect social distancing what will the world of work look like in the coming months, perhaps the next year. 

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